Friday, November 30, 2007

Day 7: Lapidarium

Tuesday was our last full day in Prague. We had already seen everything we had wanted to see, so this was a lazy day to explore a few last places.

After a nice hotel breakfast, we walked around Prague. It had snowed a bit the night before, although there was less accumulation than we were anticipating when we went to bed! Here is Brian walking in a park:
We then went to the Bertramka, which is a Mozart museum. It was a little disappointing, but still exciting to know that we were in the exact same place that Mozart himself had been at times! This is an exterior shot of the museum:
We had purchased a 24-hour public transportation ticket and decided to ride the trams; getting off when we saw something interesting. We ended up finding a very interesting conglomeration of buildings. We first tried to go to the Planetarium, pictured here, but it was closed for lunch.
It was quite cold and we didn't feel like waiting around for an hour. Then, we noticed a lapidarium on the map. Brian loves gemstones, and that's what we thought we'd find in the lapidarium. Here is Brian, excited, standing outside:
He was somewhat disappointed to find out the the lapidarium held not gemstones, but sculptures. Many of the sculptures in the city, including some on the Charles Bridge, are reproductions. The originals were placed here for safekeeping. We were still happy we went, as many of the sculptures were amazing, and we got to get really close to observe them.

We ate a quick lunch and walked around some more.

For dinner, we went to Pizzeria Einstein. Here is an outside view, and a view of Brian with our food:

We were then going to ride the funicular up Petrin Hill, but found that it was closed for the night. Here is the train in the garage:
So, we walked back to our hotel, did some packing, and spent our last night in Prague.

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